On December 2, the President of the Republic of Ecuador, Lenín Moreno, the Minister of Production, Foreign Trade, Investments and Fisheries, Iván Ontaneda, and other authorities, visited BellaRosa, for being an exemplary floriculturist for its outstanding agricultural, social and environmental practices, which contribute to the economy of the country and demonstrate their commitment to sustainable development.
¡Qué grata visita a la plantación Bella Rosa, en Tabacundo! Conocimos el prolijo proceso de siembra, cosecha, post cosecha y embalaje para exportación. Estas extraordinarias rosas ecuatorianas ingresan a USA sin pagar arancel. ¡Y lo mejor, la mayoría de colaboradoras son mujeres! pic.twitter.com/1g1veVRf0F
— Lenín Moreno (@Lenin) December 2, 2020
The objective of the President’s visit was to announce the inclusion of Ecuadorian roses to the Generalized System of Preferences of the United States, to enter that country without the 6.8% tariffs that they had been paying for several years. This will benefit exports of roses from Ecuador, allowing prices of this product to rise again for producers, to values prior to the imposition of this tariff, and thus more income can be generated for the country's companies to become competitive again.
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