All-America Selections (AAS) has just released the 2020-2021 annual report reflecting the group’s activities from the past 12-18 months. This annual report is designed to give updates and bring awareness to the organization’s trials, promotional activities and financial standing.
A few highlights from this year’s report are:
· The addition of three new trials
· The switchover to the Mercado app for trial data collection
· A summary of the 2021 AAS Winners
· An explanation of the AAS Strategic Plan
· A rollout of the AAS Introduction Gardens
"After a year like 2020, it is nice that things are almost back to normal again. Our annual report shows how we survived, thrived and overcame challenges that in the end, prepared us very well for the future.” says AAS Executive Director Diane Blazek.
All questions and/or comments can be directed to AAS Executive Director Diane Blazek
The report, in PDF format, can be downloaded from the AAS website.