The beneficial bacteria contained in Zeamax create optimal conditions for plant growth in the growing media and can be applied to multiple different crops: berries, vegetables, ornamentals, herbs, tree fruits, and in propagation; multiple different cropping systems and in both conventional or organic production. Zeamax has received Ecocert certification, which confirms its suitability for use in organic farming.
How it works
Zeamax contains the probiotic rhizobacterium Pseudomonas fluorescens, which forms a symbiotic relationship with plants to stimulate plant growth and maximize root growth. This rhizobacterium colonizes the soil forming a protective layer around plant roots to support against abiotic stress.
Zeamax should be used at the beginning of the crop when the root growth is active and in periods of expected climatic or root stress, both on transplanted crops and seedlings and in permanent plantings, such as orchards, when growth resumes at the beginning of the season. The beneficial rhizobacteria stimulate root growth both by creating a protective layer in the rhizosphere zone and by increasing nutrient uptake. The subsequent higher root density leads to better overall plant development.
One product with three actions
1. Stimulates seedling emergence and plant regrowth in spring. The rhizobacteria produce phytohormones which improve the density of root hairs. More roots hairs increase the uptake of soil nutrients improving root and shoot growth and higher yields.
2. Improves soil nutrient potential and optimizes the use of fertilizer. The chelate effect produced by the bacteria contained in Zeamax (siderophores) helps to reduce the sequestration of iron, while the enzymatic effects of the bacteria increase the availability of phosphorus.
3. Reinforces plant resistance to abiotic stress. Zeamax protects the plants helping them to overcome climatic stress. In trials, during a period of high stress, yield increases of up to 20% were recorded.
For more information:
Bioline AgroSciences
Telstar Nursery,
Holland Road, Little Clacton,
Essex CO16 9QG, UK
+44 (0) 1255 863200
[email protected]