Congratulations to Lailiang Cheng and Bill Miller, who were elected as Fellows of the American Society of Horticultural Science for 2022. Fellows of the Society are recognized for outstanding contributions to horticulture in one or more of the following areas: research, teaching, administration, or extension on a state, national, and/or international level; exhibition of leadership in horticultural business or industry pertinent to and compatible with the objectives of the Society; and noteworthy contributions to ASHS objectives (“to promote and encourage national and international interest in scientific research and education in horticulture in all its branches”).
Election as a Fellow of the Society is the highest honor that ASHS can bestow on its members in recognition of outstanding contributions to horticulture and the Society. Cheng and Miller will be honored at the ASHS Annual Conference to be held July 30 – August 3, 2022, in Chicago.