Looking at Tulsa artist and horticulturist Tyler Thrasher, it seems like the whole world is rooting for him. On any given day, one can find the self-proclaimed “mad scientist” tending to the hundreds of plants he houses in his garage-turned-greenhouse, crystallizing dead moths and cicadas he’s gathered from outside, developing glow-in-the-dark plants or recording videos on Instagram, where he provides plant-related commentary and shows off his latest creations to his nearly 300,000 followers.
His many fans and followers fuel his obsession by purchasing Thrasher’s work from his website, allowing him the space to tinker and create as he pleases. They’ve also given him the platform that’s landed him a spot in the houseplant episode of the Vox-produced science and nature series “The Future Of” on Netflix.
“It’s not something I expected for my life at all. People all over the world are flocking toward my work,” Thrasher said. “I get all of these words of encouragement from people who don’t know me at all. They’re like, ‘Keep making stuff!’ — it’s an amazing thing to have, especially from strangers.”
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