Everything’s coming up roses at Nana’s Bloomers, not to mention daisies, sunflowers, begonias, petunias, and all sorts of other annuals, perennials, herbs, and vegetables — nearly 3½ acres of them, in fact.
“In late April and early May, we’ll have at least half a million plants in stock with more coming in all the time,” owner B.J. Martin says.
“Unless you’ve been here in person, it’s hard to even imagine how big our volume is. We have plants displayed overhead, on walls, and on tables. Some people can’t believe we don’t charge admission to come in and look around.”
The campus at Nana’s Bloomers encompasses 13 greenhouses and several other buildings across a long, skinny tract of land just off Highway 90 in Laurel. Named in honor of a beloved family member and green thumb who passed away after a long cancer battle, the nursery/garden center launches its season annually on April 1 — rain, shine, or snow — staying open every day (including holidays) through the end of June.
“We have the largest and most diverse selection of plants in the region,” Martin says. “The entire garden section from just one of those stores would fit inside a single greenhouse here.”
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