Bulb plots are not always in use because of the growing season, crop rotation, or because they are temporarily flooded for environmentally friendly soil disinfection. On Tuesday, September 12, partners within the project 'Double sustainable use of space with portable solar energy-' met at partner ATG and GT van Haaster vof in De Zilk, municipality of Noordwijk, the Netherlands, to view the first two portable trial plots.
Double use of space
Submerging an empty plot of land and then floating solar panels on it. The project 'Double sustainable use of space with portable solar energy at bulb growers' is investigating this way of double use of space at ATG and GT van Haaster vof. This company currently has a small set-up with movable solar panels on its plot. From here, with a number of partners, the operation and possibilities offered by movable solar panels are being examined. If this turns out well, it could mean that a full set-up would provide the municipality of De Zilk with year-round solar-generated energy.
Two set-ups of solar panels
These two set-ups can be found side by side in the corner of the plot behind partner Van Haaster's barn. The ideal place to test the two set-ups - which differ in terms of the material use of the floating construction - for operation and possibilities within this project. This way, the space on the plot is used twice, and the rest period is used optimally.
Plots not used year-round for growing bulbs
To keep the land fertile and in good condition, it is necessary to schedule a rest period. This is all to do with the crop rotation cycle, in which no crop is grown for a maximum of one year. During this resting moment, Japanese oats (or another green manure crop), for example, are sown or inundated (flooded) to smother nematodes and other soil diseases.
Optimal yield and giving something back
Inundating the plot with movable solar panels on top provides the plot with electricity from a natural source for the grower on the one hand, and on the other hand, the soil is 'spared' and fertile. From a social point of view, Van Haaster plans to share the generated energy with households in De Zilk.
How to proceed?
It is a nice goal to eventually cover three hectares of land with all the solar panels and - it is expected - generate enough energy to provide both Van Haaster and the actively involved municipality De Zilk with year-round solar-generated energy. That generated energy does need to be stored somewhere. Part of this project is, therefore, to look into the possibilities of buffering.
Besides the province of Zuid-Holland and ATG and GT van Haaster vof, Greenport Duin- en Bollenstreek, the municipality of Noordwijk and Zon op Northgo Coƶperatie U.A. are also partners in this project. Together, they bear financial responsibility for this project and also contribute in kind.
Source: Greenport DB