The Culture Group for Roses and Rose Rootstocks under the Anthos secretariat and those of the LTO professional group Trees, Perennials, and Summer Flowers have agreed to act together on matters of importance to the rose sector. Coordination takes place by exchanging information and coordinating agenda items. There is also a budget for member meetings.
In 2022, both Culture Groups have already jointly provided two entries at the Floriade. "That cooperation worked very well," says Hetty Crooijmans, chair of the Culture Group Roses under Anthos secretariat. "After a joint kick-off meeting on location in Almere, we created beautiful inspiration gardens for both consumers and public spaces."
Unified action
In 2016, the Rose Culture Group decided to transfer the secretariat to Anthos. This granted the desire to shift the focus to marketing and promotion. Thus, the Roses4Gardens promotion program started in 2018. Also, the inspections for Excellence Roses were transferred to the Culture Group. The focus of the LTO Culture Groups is mainly on cultivation issues. Thus, the culture groups complement each other well. "An unambiguous outward appearance is very important for the rose sector," chairman of LTO Trees, Perennials and Summer Flowers Aad Vollebregt explains the cooperation. "This way, we know how to find each other in case of current events and strengthen each other where necessary."
Source: Anthos