Dutch grower Oudijk Gerbera has been using the PATS-C solution since its first version in 2020. Since 2024, both greenhouses on the 7-hectare company have been fully covered with netting, which effectively prevents the influx of new adult moths. However, monitoring the internal moth population remains crucial. From the start of 2025, Oudijk is monitoring the entire gerbera cultivation with a total of eight PATS-C cameras.
Installation of PATS-C at Oudijk Gerbera
Dirk-Jan Oudijk explains: "The Tomato looper is a complex and highly damaging pest. Once they are inside it is extremely difficult to get rid of them again. It requires our full attention throughout the season and significantly disrupts biological pest control. That's why we now need to be even more alert: knowing whether the pest is completely eradicated and being able to act immediately if a new moth does manage to sneak in."
In recent years, the company has experienced how quickly a Tomato looper population can escalate. Dirk-Jan explains how PATS-C data provided insight into this: "Last year, we saw on the PATS-C dashboard how the generations developed in rapidly increasing waves. Not long after, we saw the consequences in the crop. That was the moment for me to fully commit to PATS-C. An extra pair of eyes and actionable information are simply indispensable."
Tomato looper larva
The next step is that the system directly warns both Dirk-Jan and Erik Mooij - the company's dedicated crop protection advisor - when the pest is detected. In addition, PATS-C is also going to serve as a prediction tool, telling users when the first larvae are expected. With these innovations, Dirk-Jan and Erik can manage the Tomato looper even more effectively and proactively anticipate on new threats.
For more information:
PATSDelftechpark 26, 2628 XH, Delft, NL
Oudijk Gerbera