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Ideaal equips spacer with new system for potted plants

The spacer by Dutch machine builder Ideaal has been popular for years. Now, Ideaal has outfitted the existing machine with a platform capable of spacing potted plants outside the vegetable season. "The familiar spacer has been around for more than twenty years," says CEO Hans Swinkels. "With the new platform, the spacer is updated with a new function."

"The spacer isn’t new," says Hans. "But the upper plateau is. This makes it possible to space plastic pots in the same manner as the rock wool pots. The plant pots can be extended in width of up to 25cm, and approximately 1.20 meters apart in length. The gutters are also easily adjustable. The concept has been applied for patent." For plant breeders already in possession of a newer model spacer, purchasing a loose platform is possible: they’re not required to buy a completely new machine.

The new platform is currently being tested at a Dutch plant breeder, but Swinkels also sees international opportunities. "We have customers worldwide, from Australia to Canada. And the demands of international plant breeders are pretty much alike all over. So the machines should attract some attention from abroad.”

Ideaal engineering supplies customers worldwide, even when it comes to maintenance. "This is useful because we develop the machines in-house." When it comes to equipment within Europe, Ideaal mechanics are often sent out for servicing. Globally, however, the mechanics increasingly visit companies in need of repairs. "Today I booked two tickets to Turkey," says Swinkels. "A Turkish company requires two mechanics to perform maintenance, and we’re happy to oblige."

More information:
IDEAAL Machinebouw en Constructie
Venloseweg 24
5961 JD Horst
Telefoon: 077-398 1256
Fax: 077-398 1434
E-mail: [email protected]

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