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About is an online meeting place for the international horticulture industry. The website is updated daily with interesting news from around the globe. Floraldaily intends to provide as much information as possible, which could help growers with the management of their horticultural enterprise.

The Floraldaily team comprises of a growing team of writers, editors, and account managers for our commercial representation. Our editors source their news on a global basis and from many different languages, including Spanish, Italian, German, French, Dutch and Portuguese.

Floraldaily, by nature, is an interactive concept, which relies greatly on the participation of its readers. This is expressed through many press releases, photo material, responsive messages, and information requests our readers send to us.

Floraldaily has the attention of the global horticulture industry. It's up to our readers to use this fact to their advantage.

What can Floraldaily do for you?

We offer the following services free of charge!

  • Press releases
    We will publish your press releases or company introductions, which you submit to Floraldaily for free. We recommend that you provide a picture along with your text, to increase your publicity. We reserve the right to refuse any articles.

Should you have any questions or suggestions, please feel free to email us at [email protected]

Stevinweg 2
4691 SM Tholen
T. +31 (0) 166 69 82 00


Elita Vellekoop
+31 (0) 166 69 82 11
[email protected]




Annet Breure
+31 (0) 166 69 82 08
[email protected]



Eelkje Pulley
+31 (0) 166 69 82 09
[email protected]



Priscilla Heeffer
+31 (0) 166 69 82 23
[email protected]