Cultural information about the Helleborus Queens
During these growing periods the Helleborus Queens consumes a lot of water. This is because their large leaves evaporate much and with their strong growing power. It is important that the plants are always able to take up enough water needed for the evaporation. If this is not the case the leaves will die off early.
As long as the leaves are growing proceed the watering. But let them dry well because of the potential problems with false Mildew.
From ½ June reduce watering +/- 1/3 less. (but keep an eye on the development of the crop).
Control in spring with nitrogen. Therefore take regularly a soil sample.
At the growth of new leaves start with preventive spraying against botrytis. Loss of leaves due to botrytis = loss of stems during the next harvest.
Summer months
When the sun is very strong in the summer months, it’s advisable to protect the leaves with shades and/or chalking. When the leaves come out of these months in a good shape, it will benefit the flower quality and quantity. Full grown Helleborus Queens can endure high temperatures in the summer months very well, provided the humidity is high enough.
Mildew is a disease that, in our experience, can cause the most damage. To prevent the plants from getting this disease it is important to spray in the months April till October on a regular basis. Strongly affected plants should always be removed to prevent spreading. Air circulation in the greenhouse is important. Draft needs to be prevented at all times, strong wind helps the disease to spread rapidly. Check out the Mildew spray Ortiva + Ridomil Gold.
Aphids can cause damage throughout the whole year. Therefore a good scouting in all areas of the parcel is important. Control the aphids with Admire or Confidor (also works at low temperatures!). Spidermite can cause problems in the warm summer months. Control with Scelta or Floramite. Caterpillars and snails can cause damage above as well as underground. Control with Turex or Decis.
Green Works is also a supplier of professional cultivation of summer cut flowers and young plants such as: Asclepias Beatrix®, Veronica Christa®, and the Zantedeschia aethiopica White Swan®.
For more information
(Sales & Growing Support)
Ed Kleijbeuker
M: +31 (0)6 24 94 64 05
Mail: [email protected]
Daan Kneppers
M: +31 (0)6 51 82 47 12
Mail: [email protected]