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Hungary: New training centre to develop hydroponics in Eastern Europe

Last week an advanced trial and demonstration center was opened in Hungary. The demonstration center will serve as a source of knowledge to educate growers in the Eastern European region and was launched by Cocogreen and its partner in Eastern Europe: Duna - R.

The research and trial station is located 2 hours from Budapest in Szentes, the heartland of the Hungarian paprika (peppers) and tomato industry. It is designed and built according to commercial production standards of Central European horticulture, a market in which Cocogreen is widely active; particularly in paprika production. The complex consists of 6 plastic tunnel greenhouses with hanging gutter systems, Priva controls and automated fertilization and irrigation units; with all crops grown in Cocogreen coir substrate Climate Mixes.

According to Attila Ruszthi of Duna - R, the trial station will educate growers in Eastern Europe about growing on hydroponics in controlled environments. "The Hungarian vegetable growers mainly work in soil, under unheated plastic tunnels or in open fields. However a transition to hydroponics is taking place at a fast rate in Hungary and the surrounding markets. As well as this, there are growers in Poland and Austria that have advanced glasshouses available, but more training is also needed for them to achieve optimal results with the hydroponic systems. That is why the growers can now visit and experience the trials to see the satisfying results on local varieties, bred and grown at the trial station in Cocogreen substrates. We will organize training and dedicated trials that will meet their needs, so we can optimize our products according to their cropping strategies as well."

Hungarian company Duna - R is a company with over 40 years of experience in seed breeding, growing and distribution of local varieties of Paprika (Pepper); a product which is in huge demand in the Central European diet. Today, there are many growers seeking modern methods of paprika cultivation to increase output.

The trial station is part of an educational programme to develop the Central - Eastern European Horticultural and Speciality Agricultural Markets; allowing for greater independence for the growers in the region. Cocogreen's Thomas Ogden: "We felt the urge to educate the growers about using Cocogreen Substrates and associated hydroponic technologies, and share the results of our conducted research with them. The growers can see with their own eyes what immense improvements can be achieved in comparison with the existing systems that they use."

Ruskó József, MD Duna-R, underlined that for them, as a long standing breeder and distributor, it is important to educate a market. “You cannot simply go there and sell a product, if you do not participate in the education on how to use it. The growers in Hungary and other parts of Eastern Europe are in need of proper education in order to get the most out of their crops. This is a theory that is also supported by Cocogreen through optimising the product to suit the climate and technology available, and to channel knowledge through at a local level with experienced partners, and multiple channels of education and support.

More than 300 people attended the opening of the training center last week. "Among them were 150 leading growers from the Central Europe region," said Thomas Ogden of Cocogreen. "It was an important day as agriculture and horticulture are the main economic contributors of Hungary. That is why the event was also attended by Members of Parliament, officials, universities, and many growers." According to Szentes MP, "Cocogreen and Duna - R are helping to bring the whole horticultural industry forwards in the Central Europe Region."

The event attracted Television Broadcasters who have been following the construction and trials undergone at the site to date, as part of an Agriculture TV show.

In the future, Cocogreen and Duna - R Kft will organize several training courses and seminars on growing with the help of advanced greenhouse supplies and technology. As well as this, the training centre will also serve as a distribution point for Cocogreen coir substrate products; with year round local supply available sourced from Cocogreen's certified manufacturing operations.

For more information:

Thomas Ogden, Commercial Director
[email protected]

Duna - R
Attila Ruszthi, Sales & Marketing Director
H-1224 Budapest, IX. u. 17.
Tel.: (+36 1) 362 4152
Fax.: (+36 1) 362 2162
Mob.: (+36 20) 575-8335
E-mail: [email protected]