"Canada: "More local roses during summer period"
Move to Colombian roses
"During the rest of the year, the majority of the roses sold in the Toronto marketplace come from South America, mostly from Colombia and some from Ecuador," says Sloot. According to her, there is a move from the Ecuador rose to the Colombian rose. This is because of the price sensitivities. There is also an increased presence of African product at increase flower demand times such as Valentine’s and Mother’s Day. At the auction, there is recently a shortage of spray roses. This is because they have been diverted to bouquet makers.
Valentine's Day
Valentine's Day will be the first day after summer which will boost the prices of the roses in Canada. According to Sloot, the prices of valentine roses will increase 2 to 3 weeks before that holiday. Prices at Valentine’s can double from normal standing order prices.
For more information
Michelle Sloot
Email: [email protected]