See the photo report here.

The focus on the seed sector is carefully monitored by organizer Ronald Hand of Proeftuin Zwaagdijk. "We focus on seed-related businesses. There are installation companies which are working in the region for seed companies. But banks or consulting firms that are not specifically related to the sector are not here. We could have had more stands, but we are strict in the concept."
As part of Seed Meets Technology three symposia were organized with phenotyping, hydroponics and green chemistry as subjects. Simultaneously with the exhibition, several test fields (Seminis, Takii Seed) were also open to visit on Proeftuin Zwaagdijk so visitors could view the cultivation trials. In the region five other breeders were open for visitors. Among the visitors at Seed Meets Technology were mainly professionals from the seed sector; (regional) growers and a number of student groups. The turnout of visitors, according to Hand was at least equal to last year (1500), so it is expected that the fair will take place again next year.
See the photo report here.