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Photo Report: Royal van Zanten's basin renovation

"A nice project for a nice company," the men of GWW Van Daalen summed up the renovation of the water reservoir at Royal van Zanten. Between 7 and 15 October they completely renovated the existing basin. This means draining, cleaning, removing the cover and foil, the dykes are re-secured, piping system adapted and new foil and cover are lined. Which resulted in a week's hard work at Rijsenhout, the Netherlands.

The existing situation. The basin was clearly in need of maintenance.

First the basin floor was cleaned up.

The dykes are newly laid out. This happens with GPS, so they lie very straight.

Solid ground, but smooth dykes.

After a few days the basin is wrapped. The new foil had already been delivered so they could work without delay.

The lifting of the package. The lower right-hand side shows how the GPS helped the men to work precisely.

It took some extra work but the cover is placed.

With new floating suction lines the pump is protected from pollution.

Before and after - the difference.

Renovation is important
For Van Daalen this kind of project represents a significant part of the business' operations. Construction in the Netherlands is fairly stagnated, but many existing basins are in need of renovation. Nowadays different coverings are used and the basins are simply outdated. At Royal van Zanten it was not too bad, but when the basins are built in, it is sometimes precision work.

Dirk-Jan van Daalen
Oudedijk 7a
2676 NC Maasdijk
+31 174 – 54 02 83+31 174 – 54 02 83
+31 6 22 48 3767+31 6 22 48 3767
[email protected]

For more information:
Royal van Zanten
Lavendelweg 15
1435 EW Rijsenhout
T: +31 (0)297 38 70 00
F: +31 (0)297 38 70 70
E: [email protected]