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EU: Temporary accommodation for plants in ‘plant hotels’ becoming increasingly popular

Offering temporary accommodation for plants seems to be an increasingly popular trend with which you can expand your garden centre’s range of services to make it even more attractive.

‘Plant hotels’ such as the plant shop Plantaardig in the Dutch town of Middelburg look after peoples' plants when they are on holiday or are no longer capable of caring for them themselves. Some time ago, gardening companies in Austria began offering a “winter service” for large Mediterranean plants whose owners are unable to keep them indoors during the winter. The plants are collected in October, pruned, repotted and returned the next spring.

For more informatie:
Thermoflor B.V.
Sourethweg 17
6422 PC Heerlen
Te: +31 (45) 541 14 58
F: +31 (45) 542 18 92
Email: [email protected]
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