Wastewater treatment: from a cost item to a source of income
Bas Buiting, at the TBR Venray with the setting-up of the ozone filter.
This is explained by Bas Buiting of Agrozone, a company specialized in water treatment technologies, at the 'Tuinbouw Relatiedagen' in Venray. Ozone-cleaning is finding its way to glass horticulture. “Ozone-cleaning is especially interesting,” continues Bas, “because during oxidation ozone, O3, is converted into O2, oxygen. If the installation only cleaned water, then it would be a cost item. Since the water now contains three times more oxygen, it becomes a source of income. With oxygen rich water plants grow better and the crop will be strong and vigorous, which improves production.”
Strict regulation
From 2018 onwards there will be stricter rules for water-cleaning. That is why Agrozone comes in action by installing the ozone-cleaning installation. This investment is, next to a cost item, additionally a benefit for plant production. An ozone-cleaning which cleans the flush water, decontaminates and raises the oxygen level and when the wastewater goes into the drainage-canal, ozone-cleaning cleans out the crop protection products.
The emission free cloth filter at the stand
Filtering in steps
“Water coming out of the greenhouse looks like teawater with leafs. With ozone we get clear water, but the leafs are still in it. Traditionally we use a sand filter, ZAF for filtering out the leafs. Whereafter the water is decontaminated. However in time the filter silts up. National legislation makes it an obligation to deal with the problem."
The emission free cloth filter
Cloth filter
This is why Agrozone developed the emission free cloth filter: a simple though effective machine, Water is sieved through a special white cloth. The system works depressurised and is therefore saving energy. It is easy to built into the water circulation. When the cloth gets dirty the water level rises in the container. When the water level reaches a certain height, this is registered by sensors. Next the cloth will be turned mechanically, making the water run through a clean cloth. The dirty cloth is collected in a disposal container. “Furthermore, a physical control can be made of the residues in the water.” finishes Bas. “This can be very useful when the residue contains pests like little worms, you can look for the source for an early intervention.”
For more information:
Dalenk 3H
7371DE Loenen
T: 088-422.8222
Bas Buiting
E: [email protected]
Cees de Haan
E: [email protected]