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NL: Young plants producer branches out into consultancy

The plants propagated by Van der Lugt and WPK, mother companies of the Plantfactory, find their way to customers all over Europe. They provide vegetable and garden young plants both to the Dutch market and internationally. Having gained a lot of experience in that field over the years, they are now ready to share what they have learned.

Machine picking up pots for spacing

In September, the Plantfactory started offering consultancy services to other companies in the industry. Project manager Frank van der Linden: "Due to a strong demand from fellow plant propagators all over the world, the Plantfactory was created to offer them knowledge, expertise and management support."

Transport all over Europe in climatised trucks

"Win-win situation"
Frank says these collaborative ties, based on good personal relations and mutual trust, make for a win-win situation. "Foreign plant raisers and vegetable growers benefit from the knowledge and experience that is present at Plantfactory in the areas of plant raising, organisation, nursery processes, automation and management. This enables them to supply top quality and enjoy fast development."

From bite-sized vegetables to plant marketing
Frank explains that they can also help retailers with marketing concepts. "As one of the biggest producers of flowering garden plants in the Netherlands, WPK has a lot of experience in positioning concepts in the different markets." As a result, they are able to share their knowledge when it comes to marketing pot plants under the House & Garden concept. Another concept Plantfactory offers retailers is Snacker: a range of pick vegetables and herbs for domestic use. These are sustainably grown plants with mini-vegetables: tomatoes, cucumbers, lettuces and peppers. Consumers can grow, harvest and - above all - eat the Snacker at home.

Besides offering marketing services to garden centers, Plantfactory provides services in consultancy, research (on-site or at their own greenhouse complex), trainings and (turnkey) projects in plant propagation. They also provide financial participation in other plant propagators to let their business grow.

For more information contact:
Frank N.O. van der Linden, MSc
Project Manager
M +31 6 25643372
T +31 10 5033049
[email protected]
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