"You can find any plant you need here"
The 2 growers didn’t have to think twice about their trade name. Senno Looije is laughing and says: “People often think it’s a new type of plant but we basically just put the first 3 letters of our surname together!” Besides running the nursery, the two growers also work closely together with different breeders. Spaans: “One of our current projects is developing a primula with more flowers that lasts longer. At our own place, we are trying out new colours of Osteospernums.”
Customer specific
Spaloo Plant plans well ahead. Looije: “Our goal is to always supply according to customers’ wishes. You can find any plant you need here at Spaloo.” Both gentlemen make sure that their high quality is maintained at any time.
Looije continues: “That is why we are so happy with FleuraMetz as our partner, Wim Scheffers knows exactly what is happening in the market and gives us a lot of useful advice.”
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