US: Farwest Show hosts Solution Center for Growers
It is specifically designed to offer cutting-edge information for growers of all types and sizes. Each day during the show Expo hours attendees can listen and learn at free live mini-seminars, demos and workshops conducted by industry speakers and experts.
Across 25 sessions during the Show, speakers will present information and insight on specific grower related topics. Growers will get answers to specific questions and know-how for more efficient operations and increased profit.
The Solution Center for Growers will offer a full slate of informative presentations covering key facets of greenhouse and nursery growing. Topics include: new and native plants, environment and energy control, pest and bio-control, lighting, soil and media, irrigation, drones, operation efficiencies, among others. All sessions are free to registered Farwest attendees.
For more information:
Oregon Association of Nurseries
Crystal Cady
T: +1 503-582-2006
[email protected]