On the left the Red Torch and on the right the Bright Torch.
Different color, same characteristics
The color of the new Bright Torch differs from the Red Torch but the characteristics are the same. "The Red Torch has a clear red color and the color of the Bright Torch is, as it is the name, more bright. Just like the Red Torch, the Bright Torch has a high production, a 50-80cm stem length, a 5-6cm headsize and a 12-14 days vase life", explains Posthumus.
'Piggyback' on success
"We were very lucky to find a mutant of our Red Torch", says Posthumus. This rose variety has been on the market for about 2 years now and has built up a good reputation and is still growing in production volume. "Growers in Ethiopia and Kenya are increasing their acreage of Red Torch. In total, the production volume in Africa will increase by 10 to 20 percent by next year", he says.
Posthumus expects the Bright Torch to 'Piggyback' on the success or the Red Torch. "The market already knows the Red Torch and its habits and therefore, we think that this new variety will be accepted by the market fast." According to him, the Red Torch is valued for its distinct color and high production. "The color makes it a demanded variety in the market, price wise, and the high production enables growers to achieve high flushes. "Christmas and Valentine's Day, for example, succeed each other fast and this crop can supply roses for both holidays. And as the Bright Torch has the same characteristics, so this can also be achieved with this variety", he says.
Trials at growers
Currently, every Red Torch grower in Africa has a small trial of Bright Torch in their greenhouse. "In the beginning of 2017 we will probably start producing the Bright Torch commercially with one or two selected growers", says Posthumus.
New assortment and open day program
Next to the Bright Torch, United Selections has more additions to both the low altitude showcase in Thika and the high altitude showcase in Nakuru. In order to show all these new varieties they are preparing the crop at both locations for their next open days. In Thika, their open day will be on 23rd and 24th of August and in Nakuru open day on 20th and 21st of September
A sneak preview of the new assortment is given below.

For more information:
United Selections

Jelle Posthumus
Email: [email protected]