Smooth trade flows need efficient plant phytosanitary inspection
Win-win situation
Growers and exporters benefit from a quick inspection of export products in the country of origin. They know at an early stage which batches are suitable for export, where a quick delivery without delay follows at the border. Customers therefore know that there is virtually no loss of quality during transportation and that their orders arrive on time. Moreover, it ensures that consignments are free of pests and diseases before they cross the border. Therefore there is a win-win situation. The phytosanitary requirements for export to the United States and Canada are higher than the European standard. "There were hardly any problems in recent years, which hampered exports to the other side of the ocean," says Hendrik Jan Kloosterboer, Secretary Phytosanitary Affairs at Anthos. This is mainly due to the good cooperation between American, Canadian and Dutch authorities. A collaboration that has existed for over 65 years.
Leo van Leeuwen, senior inspector at Naktuinbouw, inspects batches of perennials on phytosanitary and quality issues on a daily base. It concerns amongst others viruses, nematodes and root weeds. "During the field inspection I assess all the requirements of the pre-clearance program agreed on with the US and Canada. The advantage of this field test is that buyers already know that a purchased batch is suitable for its destination.
Inspection of a batch of perennials
Previously a plot directed field inspection for perennials was sufficient. This year the inspection of the batch was introduced. Van Leeuwen: "That is something many companies are having trouble getting used to. Perennials growers often have many different, small batches. These batches must be separately inspected by the demands that the US imposes on them. "All this has been taken up into the digitization of export documents. For vegetable seeds there already are electronic phytosanitary documents. Bulbs and perennials follow that trend. "Tracking and tracing is becoming increasingly important for consumer countries," Kloosterboer explains. "In particular, to establish that batches meet their phytosanitary requirements."
Both Van Leeuwen and Kloosterboer note that the revised regulations gives the companies extra administrative tasks. Therefor the perennials growers are increasingly choosing which market they want to grow for. By complying with US law, they can distinguish themselves from other growers. The companies frequently work for regular clients. Van Leeuwen sees that companies are specializing in a smaller portfolio for less administrative work. Kloosterboer: "Each batch of perennials now has its own number. For perennials breeders it is a big change, but this has been done for years by the the bulb growing industry.
Source: Buitenstebinnen Naktuinbouw