"UK: "Help shape the future of your sector"
The purpose of the panels is to ensure all activities AHDB Horticulture funds are prioritised, in line with strategic aims and of value to and supported by growers and their crop associations.
There are currently 18 vacancies on five panels across field vegetables, hardy nursery stock, protected edibles and mushrooms, soft fruit and protected ornamentals, bulbs and outdoor flowers.
AHDB Horticulture Strategy Director Steve Tones said: “This is your opportunity to help shape how AHDB responds to the challenges facing your sector.
“Panel members will be at the forefront of cutting-edge thinking in a rapidly developing field of science and technology. You can raise the profile of your sector and help shape specific projects to achieve maximum impact.”
Levy-paying growers or their technical staff are being asked to stand for election to support the delivery of targeted and practical results for the industry. Applicants must be endorsed by at least two other levy paying growers to be eligible for consideration.
AHDB Horticulture Chair Gary Taylor said: “The panels are as relevant now as they have always been as a way for AHDB to engage with the industry about what its priorities should be.
“It’s vital that the panels represent the full spectrum of the industry, as panel members are responsible for ensuring the interests of all growers in the sector are taken into account.”
Visit horticulture.ahdb.org.uk/panel to apply by 10 October.