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Costa Rica: Senetti season is off to a great start at InnovaPlant

New this season, InnovaPlant in Costa Rica is the primary source for Senetti cuttings. Suntory's technical team, Junko Maruyama and Chris Spanton, recently visited to see how the plants were shaping up for the season.

The Senetti plants are under the care of site manager Martin Brock and a production manager completely focused on Senetti following two years of production trials. All the stock is derived from elite materials and has been tested continuously for a wide range of viruses that could affect Senetti.

Chris reports InnovaPlant is observing the highest sanitary protocols: "The quality of the stock was excellent with the plants very established with a good scaffold and the first cuttings being harvested," Chris notes. "Plant growth was uniform and foliage was a good size, nice and compact. Stock is clearly well on the way to achieving its peak production timings with all varieties looking good."

In addition to InnovaPlant as the primary source, Senetti cuttings can be sourced through Cohen in Israel and Floraplant in Mexico. Dümmen Orange is establishing production to become a future source, starting with Baby Senetti varieties this season.

For more information:
Suntory Flowers
[email protected]
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