Flowers of Dutch Verdel at 430 florists in Denmark
Verdel is happy that the partnership with Interflora Denmark means their flowers are now available throughout Denmark. Verdel is already working together with individual flower shops in parts of Denmark and with high-end retailers in other Scandinavian countries such as Sweden, and Finland. Now, Verdel is ready to guarantee the delivery of fresh flowers to all Danish vases and window sills. Gitte Andersen, purchasing manager of Interflora Denmark, explains that they chose Verdel because their views go hand in hand: “We want to sell our customers the freshest flowers. Verdel guarantees the freshest possible products because the flowers and plants are processed and transported straight from the grower or auction to the florists.''
430 Danish florists are part of the Interflora Denmark flower delivery network. With this, Interflora is the market leader in Denmark. The marketing manager of Verdel explains that the florists of Interflora are the best florists in Denmark who really believe in Verdel's fresh concept. Interflora is a modern, future-proof organisation that makes itself distinct with a short delivery chain. Together Interflora and Verdel are a perfect match!”
About Verdel
Verdel is a family business with over 45 years of experience in the flower- and plant sector. It has more than 250 employees in the Netherlands and the rest of Europe working on Verdel's mission: being indispensable for their partners in helping earning money, taking responsibility for the customer satisfaction and above all, being partners in a ‘flourishing business'.
Verdel delivers a “one stop shop experience” by supplying not only flowers but also bouquets, plants, arrangements and hardware to high-end supermarkets and florists in 15 different countries. Verdel has its own chain of flower shops in Germany. Verdel is a permanent partner in the area of product innovation, assortment, retail concepts and marketing issues of small and large retailers throughout Europe. Under the name Verdel's Naturals green & gifts a few years ago the organisation introduced a new innovative retail concept.
About Interflora Denmark
The 430 florists of Interflora Denmark are all over the country and deliver not only flowers gifts in Denmark, but also to the rest of the world. The idea of setting up a flower delivery system, came to Denmark in 1925. Interflora's goal is for customers to feel that Interflora is synonymous with authentic floral art. Therefore the demands are high. Not only need the flowers be fresh at delivery, but also bound together in a creative way.