Images taken by a drone, on which a layout plan was drawnLarger ordersBarten specializes in the removal of asbestos roofs and works closely with Brinkman in this regard. Together they ensure asbestos removal and install solar panels in its place. "For many gardeners this is an interesting combination," says Barten. So the orders he and his partners get are becoming larger and larger. Where the installation of twenty panels used to be 'normal', now they get assignments to install solar panels that have a combined maximum capacity of well over 100,000 Wp (watt peak). "There are no less than 12 different funds available. Of course they are never all applicable on one project, but if you start to calculate, you can almost always discover an interesting earnings model."
Three projects
By way of example, Bart talks about three upcoming projects, all in the so-called B-triangle Bleiswijk, Berkel en Rodenrijs, Bergschenhoek. It concerns a vegetable grower and two flower growers. "All three have made clever use of various subsidies. In two cases the SDE (Stimulation of Sustainable Energy) fund was used. At those companies resp. 255, 224 and 1,277 m2 of asbestos will be removed, with in turn resp. 404, 360 and 450 solar panels being placed. In all three cases, this will result in an output of more than 100.00 Wp.
"The entrepreneur with an asbestos roof would be wise to get himself informed," Barten summarizes. "As for a claim on the tender, urgency is certainly in order: the first SDE 4 billion euro subsidy last spring was completely overrun in a couple of weeks."
For more information:
B&H Projecten B.V.Slotenmakerstraat 53,
2672 GC Naaldwijk, Nederland
M: +31 6 13 27 82 24
[email protected]www.benhprojecten.nlRoyal Brinkman Jaco van Spronsen
Woutersweg 10
2691 PR 'S-Gravenzande
T: (0174) 44 61 00
M: 06-513 823 68
[email protected]