Changes in the new rules include:
- Worker training
- Hazard communication
- Notification of treated areas
- Minimum age for handlers and early entry workers
- Entry restrictions during applications for outdoor production
- Handler suspends application in certain situations
- Exemptions and exceptions
- Basic pesticide safety information
- Personal protective equipment
- Decontamination supplies
- Emergency assistance
- Definitions of “family,” “enclosed space production” and “employ”
The Pesticide Educational Resources Collaborative has written materials to help you comply with the changes, including checklists to be sure you have covered all the changes, an employee training video for worker training and the “How to Comply With the 2015 Revised Worker Protection Standard For Agricultural Pesticides” manual. This updated manual supersedes the 2005 version. Changes to the Standard have made the 2005 version obsolete. The revised “How to Comply” manual includes:
- Details to help you determine if the WPS requirements apply to you.
- Information on how to comply with the WPS requirements, including exemptions, exceptions, restrictions, options and examples.
- A “Quick Reference Guide,” which is a list of the basic requirements (excluding exemptions, exceptions, etc.).
- New or revised definitions that may affect your WPS responsibilities.
- Explanations to help you better understand the WPS requirements and how they may apply to you.
Source: MSU Extension