Evaluation of a sprayable formulation of 1-Methylcyclopropene in floriculture
Exposing Impatiens plants to 1.0 μL·L−1 ethylene for 18 hours caused complete abscission of open flowers and most buds. Sprays of the novel 1-MCP formulation at concentrations >2.5 mg·L−1 protected plants from ethylene.
At 5 and 10 mg·L−1, the efficacy of 1-MCP increased as spray volume increased from 102 mL·m−2 to 306 mL·m−2. 1-MCP was rainfast with no decrease in efficacy resulting from heavy overhead irrigation within 1–2 minutes of application. Prepared 1-MCP solutions (10 mg·L−1) remained effective up to 2 weeks after mixing if held in airtight containers.
The sprayable 1-MCP formulation provided protection against exogenous ethylene for a maximum of 4 days and reduced stress-related abscission from 3 days of darkness (in the absence of exogenous ethylene) at 20 °C or 40 hours darkness at 28 °C.
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