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Rwanda National Agribusiness Directory launched:

'Showing the world Rwanda's agricultural potential'

The Rwandan Ministry of Agriculture and Animal Resources (MINAGRI) has released its first Rwanda National Agribusiness Directory for 2017-2019. This directory offers an overview of the major Rwandan companies active in the agricultural sector and shows their potential in this industry.

"The main aim of this book is to illustrate the agricultural potential of this country to the entire world. In order to achieve this, copies have been dispatched to all official Rwanda representation offices in the world. The underlying specific aims are to lure potential private foreign investors and to attract more international buyers for some products, like raw, processed or semi-processed products", says François Nsenga of Ninaf Consultancy.

His company is also listed in the guide and has a page-sized advertisement. With this exposure, he is eager to show the 'unique' Rwandan flower varieties and the potential of Rwanda to grow these and other varieties, instead of blindly relying on the successful rose cultivation in Kenya and Ethiopia (for more information, click here for a previously published article on this topic). And of course, he hopes that this exposure will generate orders for his products.

For more information
Rwanda Ministry of Agriculture and Animal Resources

Ninaf Consultancy
Francois Nsenga
Email: [email protected]