UK: HTA changes board, plants trees with GCA
At the meeting the following appointments were ratified. Adam Taylor from Taylors Bulbs, who joined the Board in September, was elected as Vice President until the 2017 AGM. Alex Vick, HTA Finance Director and GIMA President Chris Ramsden from Hozelock were appointed to the Board.
The following Board members stood down from their roles.
Caroline Owen from Scotsdales Garden Centres and David Norman from Abercorn Garden Centre who have both served on the Board since 2007 and prior to that on the Finance and Management Committee. Caroline will continue as the chair of the HTA Marketing Committee.
Mark Pearson who has served on the Board for 4 years and assisted the HTA this year with the new property purchase.
Ian Ashton from Lowaters who has served since 2007.
Adam Frost who has served on the Board for a second term.
HTA President Adam Wigglesworth comments, “We are delighted to welcome Adam, Alex and Chris to the Board. I would like to say a huge and heartfelt thank you to those Board members who have stood down – HTA has been incredibly fortunate to have had such generous support.” This was echoed by HTA Chief Executive Carol Paris who added her thanks for their guidance and time provided over the years.
Following the AGM there were presentations about Brexit and the changing political landscape (from Mark Glover of Newington Communications) and the impact that it potentially has on consumer behaviour (from Josh McBain of the Foresight Factory). Speaking about the work that is being done to help raise awareness of horticulture through the All Party Parliamentary Gardening and Horticulture Group (APPGHG) Mark encouraged all to help make the voice of horticulture heard by contacting your local MP directly. Josh spoke about the ‘power of precariousness’ amongst consumers with decline in trust in authority figures, worries about future financial security for the younger generation and continuing uncertainty all playing on people’s minds.
The morning concluded with a joint tree planting between the HTA (Carol Paris and Adam Wigglesworth) and GCA (Iain Wylie and Julian Winfield) cementing the relationship between the two organisations. Following a networking lunch members also received a tour of the building and the facilities available to them.
For more information
Horticultural Trades Association
Horticulture House
19 High Street
West Berkshire
T: +44 (0)118 930 3132
Fax: +44 (0)118 932 3453
NGGV: +44 (0)118 930 2092