Good climate lures Kenyan floriculture firms to Rwanda
Several Kenyan firms say the climate in Rwanda favours the growth of flower types attracting high demand on the international market. A number are already seeking partnerships in Rwanda.
Bright Harvest Ltd, which brings together investors from Rwanda and other East African countries is among the new entrants in the floriculture sector, having entered the market at the end of 2015.
The regional firm joined the market a couple of weeks after Zedgee Flowers Ltd opened its subdivision Floramatt, in Rwanda.
“Floriculture is a profitable business and the main attraction for us is Rwanda’s climatic conditions and the enabling government policies,” said Joseph Muganga, the managing director of Bright Harvest Ltd.
Floramatt is looking to tap into a summer flower project growing Mobydick flowers flourish in Rwandan climate, in a bid to meet market demand in Europe.
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