In 2016 we visited 26 trade shows and shot 5,054 pictures!
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IPM Essen - Floral, Essen, Germany (FloralDaily)
IPM Essen - Technology & Supplies, Essen, Germany (HortiDaily)
Fruit Logistica, Berlin, Germany (HortiDaily)
Tuinbouw RelatieDagen Gorinchem, the Netherlands (Groentennieuws)
Seasonal Trade Fair (BPNieuws)
Flower Expo Ukraine 2016, Kiev (FloralDaily)
HortiFlorExpo IPM Beijing, China (FloralDaily)
International Flower Trade Expo (IFTEX) Nairobi, Kenya (FloralDaily)
Spring Fair Aalsmeer, the Netherlands (BPNieuws)
FlowerTrials in the Netherlands and Germany (FloralDaily, BPNieuws)
Plantarium, Boskoop The Netherlands (BPNieuws)
Indoor Ag-Con, Las Vegas (HortiDaily)
GreenTech 2016, Amsterdam, The Netherlands (HortiDaily, Groentennieuws)
Cultivate '16, Columbus Ohio - Floral (FloralDaily)
Cultivate '16, Columbus Ohio - Technology (HortiDaily)
GPEC 2016, Tokyo, Japan (HortiDaily)
Flower Expo Poland (FloralDaily)
FlowersExpo in Moscow, Russia (FloralDaily)
FloraHolland Autumn Fair and Orchideeƫnplaza, Aalsmeer (BPNieuws)
British Tomato Conference 2016, Birmingham UK (HortiDaily)
Seed Meets Technology, Zwaagdijk, The Netherlands (Groentennieuws)
Canadian Greenhouse Conference '16 (HortiDaily)
PMA, Orlando (FL) - Floral (FloralDaily)
PMA, Orlando (FL) - Technology (HortiDaily)
IFTF,Vijfhuizen, the Netherlands (FloralDaily)
FHTF, Aalsmeer, the Netherlands (BPNieuws)
Expo AgroAlimentaria Guanajuato, Irapuato, Mexico (HortiDaily)
Tuinbouw Relatiedagen Venray, the Netherlands (Groentennieuws)
Growtech Eurasia, Antalya, Turkey (HortiDaily)