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"Color picker must-have app for florists"

In October 2014, Flowerbook was launched online, an app that could find the complete flower assortment. Florists, stylists or whoever, can see accurately where what flower variety is available and at which moment. Now, three years later, it is still growing, says co-founder of Flowerbook, Robin Hesselberth.

After all, the app is never finished and to have a complete and accurate overview remains a challenge. "We collaborate with breeders, growers, exporters and florists to make the database as complete as possible. In addition, we are open to collaboration with all different parties in the chain, which can help us."

The app includes approximately 7000 products, sorted by groups and subgroups. Each product has its own page, which features a HD photo, the availability, care tips (supplied by Chrysal) and the sales outlets.

Color picker
Users can search in different ways: via a standard search bar, but also in the 'availability calendar'. "Useful if you already know exactly what you want, but do not know if it's available. But when you don’t know what you want - and that's usually the case, if you're looking for an ideal match with the interior, costume or whatever - there's also a 'color picker'. With this new, recently implemented feature, you need to take a picture of, say a dress, whereby the app will search for a flower that suits it perfectly." 

Wider assortment
The number of products is expanding more and more, probably because growers are increasingly trying to distinguish themselves with new breeds and varieties. This does not make the updating of the database any easier. Nevertheless, Flowerbook has the ambition to be as complete as possible: "In fact, Flowerbook must become the standard. And when we have achieved that, when every florist always has the most complete and up-to-date overview within reach, then leaflets and offer lists aren’t needed any more. And that's a nice step forwards sustainability."

Launch of website
Finally, app users can be informed regarding new varieties through notifications, social media, and e-mail. In addition, a chat function has been built in, which allows growers to be contacted directly. 
A 'web app' is being developed which also will feature a floral newsfeed. Flowerbook hopes to launch the webpage by the end of this month.

The app can be downloaded for (Android or Apple/iOS).

For more information:
Robin Hesselberth
E: [email protected]
Social media: Facebook and Instagram
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