US: Bloomia joined a massive food fight in Washington D.C.
Bloomia provided cut flowers to the Speakeasy room where attendees enjoyed signature cocktails and fresh oysters. "Being part of Capital Food Fight was wonderful for us because not only did our flowers bring the décor to life, but we joined a movement to create positive change for at-risk communities. We especially admire D.C. Central Kitchen’s professional culinary training program for former addicts, prisoners, and homeless people. Providing a second chance at a new career fits exactly with Bloomia’s Mission", says Evan Kerkhoven of Bloomia.
"We’d like to give a special thanks to Mariah Hayes and Liz Reinert who made it possible for us to participate in this year’s Capital Food Fight. And of course we extend a huge congrats to the winner, Chef Miranda Rosenfelt of Sally’s Middle Name. She scored big with her final seafood stuffing and roast oysters dish. D.C. Central Kitchen has wonderful photos to share on their Facebook page."
Source: Bloomia / Images by DC Central Kitchen