A report from the Netherlands Food and Consumer Product Safety Authority concerns the official finding of Scirtothirps dorsalis in the Netherlands on August 15, 2019, on ornamental plants for planting of Podocarpus (closed conditions, professional grower). The pest was detected as part of regular post-import survey inspections.
The origin of the finding is probably linked to China, as the plants had been imported from China in March 2019. The organism is currently listed in annex IIAI of EU Directive 2000/29/EC for plants of Citrus, Fortunella and Poncirus.
In view of the risks for other plants, the Netherlands takes statutory measures against this pest since 2006 as based on article 16.2 of 2000/29/EC. As of 14 December 2019 this pest is envisaged as an EU quarantine pest. Minor infestation of the Podocarpus plants, but no damage.