Fifteen years ago, a group of friendly growers belonging to Asocolflores and who shared similar business values, decided to join forces to achieve economies of scales from a procurement basis. This group of farms has been consolidating over the years and today, 17 different Colombian growers are together under the name G8 boosting over 500 hectares of production of more than 400 flower varieties and employing over 6000 people.
Decoration with flowers grown by the G8, at the Proflora.
According to the current members: Agrícola Circasia, Rosas Agua Clara, Aposentos Flowers, Colibrí Flowers, Flores del Gallinero, Inverpalmas, Matina Flowers, Vuelven, Agromonte, Andalucía, Ayurá, Don Eusebio, Flores la Conchita, Luisiana Farms, Plazoleta Flowers, Turflor, and Serrezuela, they intend to take it more and more to an international level in the coming years, and promote their flowers with a different approach, highlighting its members´ shared value.
"In the past, we joined forces to buy different techniques and supplies for our greenhouses. Now, we want to approach the market together and show the customers that we share the same standards set by Asocolflores and Florverde", explains Pablo Bazzani of Plazoleta Flowers. "By joining forces, we want to tell our customers that we respect the market and become more trustworthy."
Recently they launched a short video about how they unite the best of Colombian floriculture.
For more information:
G8 Farms
Ana Maria Arrazola
Email: [email protected]