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Chinese tree nursery sector shows continuous interest in the Netherlands

In June 2019, for the fifth year in a row, a Chinese tree nursery delegation visited the Netherlands for a two-week study tour. Since the year 2000, the Chinese tree sector has been booming, in part due to favourable government policy and high demand from the real estate and city greening projects. However, the sector realizes that its outdated and low-end products and services will no longer fit the demands of the market and changes need to be made in order to stay competitive.

On the occasion of Plantarium, August 2019, HollandDoor arranged visits in the Netherlands and Germany for another Chinese delegation. The group included professors from Shandong Agricultural University, the deputy president of the Fujian Flower Association and owners of large tree nurseries.

Apart from several business leads, the study visits have laid a foundation for further discussions about Sino-Dutch cooperation in the development of a business park in Fujian Province and in joint training programs in the field of cultivation and distribution.

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