In the 17/18 financial year Australian greenlife producers sold 1.9 billion plants to the value on of $2.4 billion. The industry underpins all plant industries in Australia and the International Year of Plant Health the Healthy Plants Healthy People conference is delivering quality information and services for growers this March in Perth.
As well as capturing valuable information from the keynote speakers, Greenlife Industry Australia listed their Top 5 (there’s many more than 5) must see sessions for growers in order of schedule:
1. 18/19 Data collection and 3 rd edition benchmarking tool for growers
- Presenters: Daniel Watson, Down to Earth Research & Jan Paul van Moort, ACIL Allen Consulting
- Date: Wednesday 4 March 2020
- Time: 11.00am- Ballroom 1
The third and most successful year of the industry statistics data collection has recently concluded with more than 300 greenlife production businesses providing their data to the study. Daniel will present the research results and provide an overview of the collection. Jan Paul will share his views on what the results mean for industry and how businesses can use the benchmarking tool to interpret and capitalise on the results.
During the conference, delegates can make appointments with an analyst to access face to face support for the benchmarking tool. This initiative is designed to provide specific attention to individual circumstances and is offered free of charge. To make an appointment, contact [email protected].
2. Xylella Fastidiosa – an important update for industry
- Presenter: Craig Elliott, Program Coordinator, National Xylella Preparedness Program
- Date: Wednesday 4 March 2020
- Time: 11.35 am – Ballroom 1
In a recent media statement about biosecurity, Senator Bridget McKenzie stated "This includes Xylella Fastidiosa , which has no cure and has had a catastrophic impact overseas. Xylella has infected more than 200 million citrus trees in Brazil, destroying one million olive trees in Italy…” In this session., Craig will be providing the most critical updates for the nursery industry to ensure it maintains vigilance and is prepared in relation to this biosecurity risk.
3. Critical updates on the industry’s plant health program for nurseries
- Presenter: John McDonald, National Biosecurity Manager, Greenlife Industry Australia
- Date: Wednesday 4 March 2020
- Time: 2.40pm – Ballroom 1
2020 is International Year of Plant Health and with Members prioritising biosecurity advocacy for industry this session will provide information on the industry’s activities in relation to plant health and plant protection strategies and programs as well as sharing an overview of industry’s involvement in broader plant health agenda. John has over than 30 years’ experience in production horticulture and the nursery production industry overseeing the national portfolios of biosecurity and pesticide minor use. John is also the greenlife industry’s representative on Australian Steering Committee for International Year of Plant Health.
4. Stakeholder engagement workshop – grower feedback on the development of the tools for the Which Plant Where project
- Presenter: Leigh Staas, Program Manager Which Plant Where, Macquarie University
- Date: Thursday 5 March 2020
- Time: 10.45 am (1hr 45mins) – Mallee & Eucalypt
The Which Plant Where? project is on a mission to provide greenlife growers and practitioners with the tools and resources to create sustainable and resilient landscapes under a changing climate.
To help achieve this goal, they will be integrating our scientific research with industry knowledge/experience to develop an online plant selector tool.
In the lead up to the development of the online tool, the team is conducting a National Roadshow to ensure that the tool will be useful and relevant to the greenlife industry.
This workshop will identify the value proposition and the benefits for businesses and industry; the functionality to be included in the tool; and how it can become financially self-sustaining to ensure it keeps pace with end-user needs.
5. What’s in your plan? Tools to manage natural disaster risk in nurseries
- Presenter: Kerry Battersby, NGIQ and Peter James, Cohga
- Date: Thursday 5 March 2020
- Time: 1.30pm - – Mallee & Eucalypt
The Australian greenlife industry has inherent strengths and vulnerabilities in the context of natural disaster resilience. With the climate constantly evolving industry businesses need to be aware of natural disaster risk mitigation and recovery strategies. This presentation outlines how the nursery industry collaborating with spatial mapping and business continuity specialists to develop practical risk mitigation solutions including a case of a business who has implemented steps to improve its ability to prepare, respond, recover and build natural disaster business resilience.
If you need more reasons to join the Healthy Plants Healthy People conference, please download the Conference Information booklet. Early bird closes 31 December. Register online today.