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NL: Contractor hopes for rain, but does not count on it

"Coffee?" Dennis van Veldhoven is calm. There is time for a Westland cup of coffee at the moment. But it is just the calm before the storm. Because 2021 presents us with a wonderful Indian summer; these temperatures are very pleasant.

And yet ... this weather has advantages and disadvantages. Dennis van Veldhoven sees his planning shifting. The crop change is coming. A busy time. So much work has to be done in a short time. It would be nice if the coatings could be removed from the greenhouse before the crop change.

Dennis: "When we remove the diffuse coating, it has to rain a bit after the greenhouse cover has been sprayed. The weather forecast is fine, but I would have liked to have seen a few heavy showers coming."

The rain will wash off the coating. If it doesn't rain enough after spraying, it will dry out and start sticking again. So ... let's hope the weathermen will predict rain in the near future.

For more information:
Machinaal Loonbedrijf van Veldhoven BV
Laan van Adrichem 4
2678 CZ De Lier
+31 (0)174 51 32 02
[email protected]