On 30 September 2021, after field trial, the trial committee of the KVBC awarded a KVBC-Award Silver to Cortaderia selloana ‘Day2’ (Tiny Pampa Gold).
This golden cultivar originated as a mutant in the 2020 awarded KVBC-Award Gold ‘Day1’ (Tiny Pampa). The plant has the same very stocky growth that is much lower than other cultivars. Eventually, it will grow to a height of 60-75 cm. Like ‘Day1’, ‘Day2’ also forms many shoots and therefore many panicles. The green to blue-green leaves has a dull dark yellow edge. The first panicles appear in the second half of the summer and the plant continues to flower until autumn. The panicles barely rise above the narrow, yellow-edged leaves and the leaf tips are always visible between the panicles.
As many shoots are formed, the dividing factor in reproduction is high. This makes propagation quicker. The plant flowers richly, over a long period in late summer and early autumn. Applicable in pots and (small) gardens.
For more information:
Koninklijke Vereniging van Boskoopse Culturen
Het Rond 99, 3995 DN HOUTEN
+31 (0)6-38412671
[email protected]