Perry van der Haak decided to expand his cultivation systems in 2005. One of the novelties he implemented was an Automatic Vehicle (AV), a vehicle that picks up containers in the work area and brings them to the cultivation area. The small size of the AV is what makes it unique; its dimensions make it suitable for driving along with the narrow space along the gutter. In this way, optimal use is made of the growing space. Meanwhile, this AV has been driving back and forth daily for 16 years. Perry van der Haak stated at the time: “Codema has always made solid systems. They use heavy materials and that’s necessary because a system like that has to last for years.”
Automate cultivation systems
"Commissioned by Perry van der Haak, we are adapting the functionality of this AV to perform a reverse operation in early 2022. The vehicle will then automatically pick up containers from the cultivation area and bring them back to the work area," the Codema team said.
Codema Systems Group
Oosteindsepad 8
2661 EP Bergschenhoek
The Netherlands
[email protected]