After almost two years of One Auction with cut Anthuriums, it is time to add more product groups to the clock on which this product group is auctioned, so that we can make it a fully fledged and interesting clock for purchasers. At the same time, we are meeting the desire of many growers to auction their products nationwide. Step by step, we are on our way to One Auction, the team with Royal FloraHolland announces.
Halfway through November, we want to add two other product groups (alongside cut Anthuriums) to ‘group clock 6’ in Aalsmeer and Naaldwijk. We are currently discussing this with two product groups. They have already moved to order picking and/or random grower lots in our logistics process. That is one of the conditions for nationwide auctioning.
Why are we adding to this clock?
Currently, this clock lacks appeal due to limited supply. To make this clock a fully fledged and interesting clock for purchasers, we will be adding two product groups to it at the end of the year. In addition, for some time been it has the desire of many growers to be auctioned nationwide. By adding two product groups (initially) to this clock, we can meet that desire.
Step by step
Bart Kerkmeer (Commercial Operations Manager): “This rollout takes us another step forward with the nationwide auctioning of flowers. It's super to see that the buyers and growers want to join forces and take the next step with us towards One Auction." That way, suppliers, purchasers and Royal FloraHolland can gain more and more experience together with One Auction.
For more information:
Royal FloraHolland