As the second day of Salon du Végétal has started, ideas are shared, and new designs are showcased. As most stands are inhabited by French companies, talks are mostly about the French market.
While at Dutch trade shows, energy appeared to be the main worry of growers, at Salon du Végétal, this is different. As temperatures are still higher, less energy is needed to heat greenhouses. However, this is expected to change in the coming months.
The team of French cyclamen breeding company Morel.
The team of Zunino Cactus, an Italian cacti grower.
Something else that strikes our attention is that companies are more hesitant to make decisions and expand their range of products. Many companies are waiting for what is to come, and this is also quite visible at the fair. There aren't as many novelties as usual, apart from containers. Larger containers seem to be more popular than smaller ones.
Bertrand Lechat if JRC.
Salon du Végétal will continue tomorrow.