That conclusion is drawn by Jan Willem Wieringa of Desch Plantpak in a post putting a face to the worrying figures from VNO-NCW. A quarter of energy-intensive Dutch companies risk making a loss.
Over the past eight months, energy costs for the company's four Dutch factories have increased by 150% compared to last year, more than doubling and nearly triple what the company paid in 2020.
"The dramatically high gas and electricity prices are having a huge impact on horticulture, and we are already seeing the first bankruptcies and/or growers leaving their greenhouses empty or planting much less. So that means they need far fewer pots and trays. We are selling much less volume and are therefore now putting the brakes on our production. In two factories, half of the machines are already at a standstill. This is having a huge impact on our results. It is bizarre that now, as soon as I wake up, the first thing I look at is what the energy costs are going to be that day."
Jan Willem also discusses his company's future prospects in the piece. He says he has been doing well with sustainability for years and calls for swift government intervention. Read more here.