The Fred C. Gloeckner Foundation, Inc. Officers and the Board of Directors met virtually on June 6, 2022, and awarded ten grants totaling $135,843 dollars.
Since the Foundation was established in 1960, the Gloeckner Foundation’s support of floriculture research has totaled over $7.4 million dollars.
After reviewing proposals from many colleges, universities, and research institutions in the United States, ten grants in the amount of $135,843.00 were awarded as follows:
Iowa State University, Dr. Christopher J. Currey
Determining the effect of photoperiod, light intensity, and stress on flowering and tuberization of modern begonia hybrids. $9,732
Kansas State University, Dr. Raymond Cloyd
Management of western flower thrips, Frankliniella occidentalis, populations in greenhouses by combining the biological control agents, the insidious flower bug, Orius insidiosus, and the rove beetle, Dalotia coriaria $15,000
Louisiana State University Agricultural Center, Dr. Jeb Fields Exploring soilless substrate stratification to reduce production costs $9,968
Michigan State University, Dr. Roberto Lopez
Developing production protocols for quick cropping of containerized succulents $13,000
North Carolina State University, Dr. Brian Whipker, North Carolina Dept. of Agriculture, Dr. Kristin Hicks, and Consumer Services, University of Kentucky, Dr. W. Garrett Owen
Establishing comprehensive floriculture leaf tissue standards $14,000
The Ohio State University, Dr. Michelle Jones
Determining the influence of nutrient limitation on the root microbiome of Petunia × hybrida $12,088
The Ohio State University, Dr. Francesca P. Hand
Sustainable disease management practices for specialty cut flowers $18,711
The University of California, Berkeley, Dr. Mary Wildermuth Reducing powdery mildew disease and its impact on plant photosynthesis $16,000
New York Florists’ Club Grants
Cornell University, Dr. Neil Mattson:
A chlorophyll fluorometer for greenhouse lighting research $16,144
Cornell University, Dr. William B. Miller
Is Gerbera susceptible to chilling injury? $11,200
For more information
The Fred C. Gloeckner Foundation
550 Mamaroneck Avenue
Harrison, NY 10528
T: +1 (914) 698-2300