The Royal FloraHolland Supervisory Board and CFO David van Mechelen have agreed to a second four-year term. The appointment of Royal FloraHolland Management Board members is always for a maximum term of four years, with the possibility of extension. The Royal FloraHolland Management Board consists of the CEO and CFO.
Jack Goossens, chairman of the Supervisory Board, explains: "The SB is happy that David has agreed to a contract extension. The current energy crisis brings many uncertainties. Especially now, continuity in the Royal FloraHolland leadership is highly desirable. In these turbulent times, combining strategy implementation with sound financial policies brings great responsibility. David demonstrated in his first term that this is in good hands with him, mindful of the industry's importance. The SB looks forward to a great collaboration in the coming years and wishes David every success."
Solid foundation
David van Mechelen is pleased with the trust placed in him: "The energy crisis is having a significant impact on the industry. Growers are throwing in the towel or taking a break because of energy prices that are far too high for them. This is truly unprecedented and affects not only our growers but also RFH. We are all facing fundamental choices as we look to the future. In doing so, we can rely on the solid foundation we have been working on internally for the past few years. This has enabled us to continue investing. We have made great strides in internal professionalization and strategy implementation. Key focus areas include Floriday, One Auction, and optimizing our property. A key factor is a good cooperation with the Members' Council and SB. I am proud to contribute to this wonderful and important cooperative and industry for the Netherlands."
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Royal FloraHolland