USDA-Agricultural Research Service and Oregon State University are teaming up with the Oregon Department of Agriculture, the Oregon Association of Nurseries, and the Horticultural Research Institute (HRI) to bring growers boxwood blight best management practices and research updates. Designed to educate growers, each session will provide the attendees with the latest research and give them actionable tactics to implement in the nursery. The cost is $15. Registration is required; space is limited to 40 people.
Over a quarter of all boxwood (the #1 broadleaf evergreen shrub!) production in the US occurs in either Oregon, California, or Washington. A handful of pests challenge boxwood production and landscape management, but boxwood blight has emerged as a significant threat. This disease is even more troublesome in the PNW since symptoms appear to be more subtle as compared with other regions.
USDA-Agricultural Research Service and Oregon State University are bringing experts to the Willamette Valley for a workshop to talk about boxwood health in five distinct sessions, followed by an optional visit to an onsite boxwood blight research plot with the researchers. Speakers include experts from Oregon State University, the USDA-Agricultural Research Service, and the Oregon Department of Agriculture.
Specific topics include the latest updates on scouting and disease management tips, how nursery production practices and the environment influence disease outbreaks, the boxwood blight infection risk app, fungicide selection, and coverage, and the ODA boxwood blight cleanliness program.
8:00-8:30 am Registration
8:30 am Scouting tips and educational resources for boxwood diseases and pests – Dr. Luisa Santamaria, Dept. of Botany & Plant Pathology, OSU/NWREC
9:00 am Influence of nursery production practices and environment on boxwood blight – Dr. Jerry Weiland, USDA-ARS, and Dr. Mana Ohkura, Dept. of Botany & Plant Pathology, OSU
10:00 am Break (snacks and coffee provided)
10:30 am Infection risk app and climate suitability model – Dr. Len Coop and Dr. Brittany Barker, Department of Horticulture, OSU
11:00 am Fungicide selection and coverage – Dr. Jay Pscheidt, Department of Botany and Plant Pathology, OSU
11:30 am ODA boxwood blight cleanliness program – Dr. Kara Mills, Oregon Department of Agriculture
12:00 am Optional tour to see onsite boxwood blight research and additional discussion opportunity
REGISTRATION: Registration is $15 per attendee for the workshop.
RECERTIFICATION CREDITS: *ODA Pesticide Recertification Credits are available for participants attending the entire workshop (8:30 to 12:00).
For more information:
Oregon State University