Dekker Chrysanten in Hensbroek works with more than 170 professionals. In Face of the Family, they portray one of these professionals monthly. Based on various questions, they introduce you to colleagues and gain insight into the multiple functions within the family business. This month the spotlights are on Peter Kuyper.
Peter once was a grower of chrysanthemums himself and grew up in his parents' vegetable greenhouse. With years of experience, he started in 2012 as an employee at Dekker Chrysanten. Among other things, he is now mainly involved in the cultivation of Dekker Exclusive varieties.
A challenge every time
Peter ensures that each variety receives a suitable climate and the proper treatment regarding the growing environment. According to Peter, each variety has its own characteristics and needs its own growing environment, making chrysanthemum cultivation very fun and challenging. "All of these facets make it a versatile job."
A different view
Peter looks at a chrysanthemum differently than, for example, a trader. A trader mainly looks at appearance and weight. Peter gets excited about a technically good variety that grows uniformly and gives few lightweights.
"Varieties that are technically good in cultivation make me very enthusiastic. Then it doesn't matter to me whether it's a yellow, pink or white chrysanthemum, for example."
Very positive
Peter likes that he gets a lot of responsibility and freedom within Dekker Chrysanten and that there is room for development. He thinks it's a good sign that he never felt like standing still but has always been able to develop himself over the years. "Dekker is always open to ideas and new developments."
For more information: Dekker Chrysanten
Julianaweg 6a
1711 RP Hensbroek
T: +31 (0) 226 45 60 60
F: +31 (0) 226 45 60 75
E: [email protected]