The Business Unit Greenhouse Horticulture and Flower Bulbs of Wageningen University & Research and Greenport Duin- en Bollenstreek recently organized the event GreenportLIVE: Update PPP Fundamental System Leap. Researchers gave an update on the results achieved so far, looking at different and cleaner cultivation.
Growing differently and cleaner, with less residue, crop protection products, and fertilization. This could just become the 'new normal' if the results of the PPP Fundamental System Leap project remain good. During the meeting on October 4, the results of the PPP project Fundamental System Leap were shared.
There are considerable differences between the bulbs studied. With calla, it seems possible to accelerate cultivation in the greenhouse. In the case of tulips, extensive research has been done into photosynthesis, which provides new insights into optimal light and temperature. Increasing the propagation capacity seems possible but still requires more research. Hyacinth is difficult to chase, but there are possibilities for propagation, for example, by cutting bulbs or hollowing smaller sizes (12). With daffodils and amaryllis, the focus is on increasing the result of parting. Early parting and warm storage seem to work well with amaryllis. These are the first results, and the research will continue for about 1.5 years. Information can be found on the website en de WUR website.
During this first part of the evening, two new films were launched that give a good picture of the two research themes of this project:
After the break, the participants split up into theme groups, per theme: virus-free, system jump, calla, tulip, and narcissus & amaryllis. Outcomes, but also challenges that growers and researchers see for the future and the project, were discussed. A number of issues came up several times in the discussion, such as the cost side, the need for resistant varieties, and problems with tissue culture material. Many suggestions and tips were also submitted, such as more research into natural enemies for flower bulbs, more money for more long-term and more fundamental research, looking closely at previous research, and, above all, making use of the extensive knowledge from practice. Attendees were aware of the challenges facing the sector, but there is also hope that innovation will once again lead to solutions.
The plenary part has been recorded in full and can be viewed on the website of Greenport Duin- en Bollenstreek. The presentations of the researchers can also be found there. The after movie of the evening will be available soon.
For more information:
Wageningen University & Research